We can help your company to
improve image and market share through
high impact marketing and testimonial videos!

On your web site, social sites, TV or DVD.

Get seen.
Get video.

Minute Digital Media
offers a powerful marketing solution for your business in the form of very effective promotional videos.

We provide a full service production, including collaborative development of: concept, design, theme, strategic scripting (your message), titles, graphics and licensed music. Then we assist with deployment of your promotional video on the Internet, including: social networking, industry specific and local search sites... and, of course, your web site.

We develop enticing videos that are designed to inspire action while complementing and enhancing your marketing program. In fact, your video can be one of your most effective, and highly leveraged, promotional tools.
Help your prospects find you!

Internet social and sharing sites are opening every day; and video is hot! Take advantage of the opportunity to leverage your video by deploying it everywhere!
Ask us about training, orientation and instructional videos!

MDM develops powerful marketing solutions.
We can also develop effective training, orientation, event and instructional videos.
Contact MDM for high impact, cost effective video tools today.

Copyright 2008-2014, Minute Digital Media, All rights reserved. Minute Digital Media tm, OurVideoClip tm, Embellished Entertainment tm